Supreme Grand Master: Tshaka Malik Al-Kush 33°
Protecting the seat of the Sovereign Grand Commander H. E. Malachi Z Konina York.




fez_and_jewelsGlowTENENT OF A FREEMASION

Unity: The Tenet That Symbolizes True Brotherly Love
The tassel of the fez, which hangs down the beard to the shoulder, is a symbol of Brotherly love who dwells upon the earth as brethren in unity.




blueRed1Relief: The Tenet That Symbolizes Man’s Duty.
Freemasonry, we say, is founded upon three Grand Principles: Brotherly Love, Relief & Truth which are commonly referred to as the points of our profession. Let’s look at the second of these Principles, Relief.



goodmenBetter1Truth: The Tenets That Symbolizes Divinity.

Truth is the foundation of everything that is just. It is what man is constantly seeking. All of us look at everything differently but there is one truth.
